When the moon isn’t visible in the sky, clouds might be hiding it, or it’s a new moon. The new moon, or dark moon, marks the first phase of the lunar cycle, occurring when the moon aligns with the sun on the same side of Earth, rendering it invisible from our perspective.
The moon cycle
The lunar cycle, or moon cycle, is the moon’s orbit around Earth. The cycle lasts about 29.5 days, meaning it takes this long for the moon to return to the same phase (full or new moon).
There are four major phases of the moon in its cycle. These are:
New Moon
The new moon happens when the Earth, sun, and moon align. This phase is invisible from Earth since the moon is between us and the sun.
The new moon phase begins when the moon isn’t visible in the sky. If the sky is clear and the moon is absent, you’re looking at a new moon.
First quarter
The first quarter moon happens roughly two weeks after the new moon. At this stage, sunlight lights up one-quarter of the moon’s surface.
I can tell this phase has begun when a crescent-shaped moon appears in the night sky. Depending on its orbit, this phase lasts from a few days to about two weeks.
Full Moon
The full moon happens when the Earth, sun, and moon align, fully illuminating the moon’s surface. This phase occurs about two weeks after the first quarter and lasts around three days.
I can easily detect this phase by looking for a full disc of light in the night sky.
Last Quarter
This phase happens roughly two weeks after the full moon and signals that the lunar cycle is a quarter complete.
Right now, you can see a crescent-shaped part of the moon lit by the sun. This phase can last from a few days to two weeks, depending on the moon’s orbit.
Is the new moon new?
The moon’s new phase, despite its name, signifies beginnings and fresh starts. Without illumination, the surface acts as a blank slate, offering a chance for renewal.
Many cultures have traditionally used this time of the month to start new projects or set new goals. It’s a period for reflection and rest as the moon finishes another orbit around Earth.