Capricornus, known as the “sea-goat,” ranks among the oldest known constellations. Visible from August to January in the southern sky, its name and rich history offer intriguing insights into ancient mythology.
Mythology Behind the Capricornus Constellation
In Greek mythology, the Capricornus constellation is linked to the god Pan, a half-man, half-goat figure. Pan was amusing some nymphs when Zeus noticed and was entertained by his look. Zeus honored Pan by placing him in the sky as the Capricornus constellation.
Another myth tied to the Capricornus constellation tells the story of the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros. While strolling by the Euphrates River, a monstrous Typhon appeared. To escape, they transformed into goats and jumped into the river. Their bravery earned them a place in the sky as constellations, with Eros becoming Capricornus.
History of the Capricornus Constellation
The Capricornus constellation has a history dating back to ancient Babylon in the 2nd millennium BCE. Both the Greeks and Romans identified it, associating it with the winter solstice. Interestingly, “capricorn” originates from the Latin “capra” (goat) and “cornu” (horn).
Today, the Capricornus constellation is significant in astrology and astronomy, often linked with qualities like ambition, discipline, and hard work.